Fundraising Events
In addition to fostering the ideals of Rotary among our membership, we sponsor special events and programs that support worthwhile community causes and promote peace, international understanding and goodwill. In order to support these and other worthy projects the club conducts a number of fund-raising activities.

Our major fundraisers are:

Annual Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction
Who can resist a full breakfast of pancakes, sausage, fruit, coffee, and juice? With over 50 items available to bid on as well as a 50/50 Draw there is something of interest for everyone. The annual pancake breakfast is held every year in March.
The Club asks for a donation instead of a set price for the breakfast, with all proceeds going to a chosen local program. It's a great opportunity to join friends and family while supporting the community.
Visit our Facebook page to find out more.

Annual Rose Day
Rotary Rose Day happens every year in the month of June. Starting in May, Rotarians sell dozens of roses to friends and family in order to fund local programs. In 2023, with the support of the community, sales reached approximately 1000 dozen roses . That equates to a lot of smiles.
Once the Rotary Roses arrive, members and friends of the Club get busy preparing them for pickup and delivery. In addition, there are many roses donated to area nursing homes . That equates to a lot of smiles.
So who would you like to send roses to someone in Cornwall this year?
Visit our Facebook page to find out more.

Annual Sale of Hams
Each year the Rotary Club of Cornwall sells hams before Christmas to assist with funding of various local and international projects. Many people will donate hams to the Children's Christmas Fund. Contact a Rotarian to order yours today.
Visit our Facebook page to find out more.